Wednesday 11 May 2022

Post production notes

Once we filmed all the footage that we needed for our short film, we then began the post-production work. We opened up Final Cut Pro, which was our main editing software for our short film, and inserted the SD card, where all our footage was, and then we imported all our footage onto the software.

To start off, we created a rushes video, in which we put all of our raw unedited footage on the timeline and made it into one video. We then exported the video and uploaded it on YouTube. With this video, the duration was around 11 minutes. we had up to 86 shots in our rushes and knew that we had to cut down some of them. We then completed a table that listed all the shots that were filmed and decided on which ones we were going to keep and which ones we were going to get rid of. 

After making our rushes log, we then started to structure our film. We did this by placing all the footage that we decided to keep on the timeline and cropping some of them. We then placed all our footage in chronological order, following the way we structured the narrative on our storyboard so that we can see how it looked from beginning to end. When this was done, we then exported the video as an offline edit and uploaded it on YouTube.

After we did this, we went on to edit the final version of the short film. We went on to edit the visual effects. We installed some color-changing effects in order to make it clear as to what type of mood the scene sets in. This idea of adding color effects would give the idea of how the character is processing what is happening. Another thing that we will add is some music that will be played during some scenes. The idea of this would set the emotion that we wanted to convey to the audience. We will add a voiceover to cover shots where the sound of any dialogue isn't clear enough. 

When it comes to sound effects for our film, as the majority of our film has diegetic sound as a way to convey that our film is relatable to the audience, we won't have that many sound effects. However, there are some sound effects that we may implement, such as a sound of a bag falling. 

As a way to introduce the main theme of our short film, which is isolation, we will have the name of the film be presented over the montage scene to let the viewers know what the name of the film is. As for every film, in the end, there will be credits rolling.

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