Thursday 26 May 2022

Evaluating feedback

When we finished editing our short film, we did a focus group, in which we had some people come and watch our film and asked them to give some feedback. We asked some questions, such as "what did you like about our short film and what things could make our film better. In terms of strength, the audience made a comment about how our choice of visual effects suited the film and that it was really effective.

Another thing that was mentioned was the great acting as my acting skills made it easy for the audience to know how the character was feeling. They also mentioned how the story was structured really well and the audience was able 

In terms of weakness, although the film did look good, there were a few things that were pointed out, which was the fact that the ending seemed a bit rushed, and it left the viewers confused about what was going on. Also, there were some sounds of the camera zooming in and out heard, which was noticed by the audience.

In order to address these weaknesses, we would film some additional shots at the end, such as the character changing moods to display his emotions changing from a content feeling to anger. Another thing we would make sure of is that any sound of the camera in the original footage is removed during the editing process. Also, we would have a voiceover towards the end of the film explaining what the character is thinking, which would explain why he got angry.

In terms of our film, based on the feedback we got, I believe that we have successfully created a great short film. The storyline was easy to interpret for a majority of the parts and the audience was able to relate to the character as we had all gone through a time where we had to isolate ourselves from the people we love. In terms of following a psychological thriller convention, I do believe that we followed this based on how we created a storyline that puts someone in a situation they'd never imagine to be in, letting the audience to see how he would react and how his mind process would change after a couple of weeks. In terms of following the short film convention, I believe that we followed the majority of the conventions as the storyline seems to be basic. Also, in terms of dialogue, we didn't have a lot and we had a voiceover. There wasn't any background information revealed about the characters.

As an individual, I feel like there were some things that I could have improved on. For the film, I was the main actor and there were some things I felt that I could do better if I had the chance to, such as move faster when doing certain actions. Also, I could kick the chair harder to create more of an impact for the audience, shocking then of the level of anger I am showing through my character. I could have tried to memorise some lines that I said a bit more. As I had remember majority of the lines, I feel like there were some bits that I missed out, so I had to improvise. I would try to memorise all my lines properly so that I could have more time practicing how to act out my character.

As a group, I felt like there were some developments that we could have made to make this product better. I felt like we could have secured the location a bit sooner. This would be so that we could work out how we would set it up in advance, even having the chance of using them as soon as we secured them. Another thing I felt that we could do is have some ideas of the type of music that we could use. This would have been helpful as we would have an idea in advance of how our film would flow. Also, it would save us a lot of time in post production rather than having to spend a lot of time having to find a suitable soundtrack. Another development that could be made is having various amount of footage, which would be helpful in terms of having options of what to include in the final version. In terms of another development, having a faster workflow would have saved a lot of time in pre production, leaving more time for filming. This would have been very helpful as we could have more time to refilm some shots. 

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Evaluating feedback

When we finished editing our short film, we did a focus group, in which we had some people come and watch our film and asked them to give so...