Thursday 26 May 2022

Evaluating feedback

When we finished editing our short film, we did a focus group, in which we had some people come and watch our film and asked them to give some feedback. We asked some questions, such as "what did you like about our short film and what things could make our film better. In terms of strength, the audience made a comment about how our choice of visual effects suited the film and that it was really effective.

Another thing that was mentioned was the great acting as my acting skills made it easy for the audience to know how the character was feeling. They also mentioned how the story was structured really well and the audience was able 

In terms of weakness, although the film did look good, there were a few things that were pointed out, which was the fact that the ending seemed a bit rushed, and it left the viewers confused about what was going on. Also, there were some sounds of the camera zooming in and out heard, which was noticed by the audience.

In order to address these weaknesses, we would film some additional shots at the end, such as the character changing moods to display his emotions changing from a content feeling to anger. Another thing we would make sure of is that any sound of the camera in the original footage is removed during the editing process. Also, we would have a voiceover towards the end of the film explaining what the character is thinking, which would explain why he got angry.

In terms of our film, based on the feedback we got, I believe that we have successfully created a great short film. The storyline was easy to interpret for a majority of the parts and the audience was able to relate to the character as we had all gone through a time where we had to isolate ourselves from the people we love. In terms of following a psychological thriller convention, I do believe that we followed this based on how we created a storyline that puts someone in a situation they'd never imagine to be in, letting the audience to see how he would react and how his mind process would change after a couple of weeks. In terms of following the short film convention, I believe that we followed the majority of the conventions as the storyline seems to be basic. Also, in terms of dialogue, we didn't have a lot and we had a voiceover. There wasn't any background information revealed about the characters.

As an individual, I feel like there were some things that I could have improved on. For the film, I was the main actor and there were some things I felt that I could do better if I had the chance to, such as move faster when doing certain actions. Also, I could kick the chair harder to create more of an impact for the audience, shocking then of the level of anger I am showing through my character. I could have tried to memorise some lines that I said a bit more. As I had remember majority of the lines, I feel like there were some bits that I missed out, so I had to improvise. I would try to memorise all my lines properly so that I could have more time practicing how to act out my character.

As a group, I felt like there were some developments that we could have made to make this product better. I felt like we could have secured the location a bit sooner. This would be so that we could work out how we would set it up in advance, even having the chance of using them as soon as we secured them. Another thing I felt that we could do is have some ideas of the type of music that we could use. This would have been helpful as we would have an idea in advance of how our film would flow. Also, it would save us a lot of time in post production rather than having to spend a lot of time having to find a suitable soundtrack. Another development that could be made is having various amount of footage, which would be helpful in terms of having options of what to include in the final version. In terms of another development, having a faster workflow would have saved a lot of time in pre production, leaving more time for filming. This would have been very helpful as we could have more time to refilm some shots. 

Saturday 21 May 2022

Focus group questions

These are the questions that will ask the audience who have watched our film:

What did you like about the film?

Did you think our film fits the genre of a psychological thriller?

In terms of following short film conventions, do you think our film follows them?

Were there any scenes that you didn't like?

In terms of the effects used, do you think they were appropriate?

Were there any shots that weren't clear?

Were you able to understand what was going on in the film?

Do you think our film will appeal to our target audience, which ranges from 12-to 30 years?

What do you think we can improve on?

Thursday 19 May 2022

Task Allocation week 10


Strength/weakness feedback evaluation

Based off of the feedback that we had received, we feel like there were some things that we could take from them, in terms of what made our film great and what things didn't look appealing in it. However, as a whole, our film did receive generally positive feedback, which meant that we did a great job overall.

In terms of our strength, our film had a great narrative that the audience was able to follow, especially as the idea was based around being in isolation, which was a major thing that people went through in 2020, due to the Pandemic that occurred. 

The emotion that we wanted to convey was sorrow. Based off of the feedback we received, I believe that this was conveyed very clearly throughout the film and the audience was able to understand what was going on, along with having some form of empathy. 

We received comments that our film was structured very well together, and it was clear when the scenes were transitioning.

Another thing that I consider a strength from the feedback was that there were some good choices of music that helped convey the kind of sorrowful mood in some scenes, which helped the audience to understand how the character felt. There were some nice visual effects used, mainly at the beginning of the film. 

However, in terms of our weakness, the ending of our film left some of the viewers a bit confused as to what was happening. The noise of the camera was heard once or twice during some scenes and it was noticed by the viewers. This would be an issue as some viewers may find it a bit disturbing to hear.

In order to address these weaknesses, we would film some additional shots at the end, such as the character changing moods to display his emotions changing from a content feeling to anger.

 Another thing we would make sure of is that any sound of the camera in the original footage is removed during the editing process. Also, we would have a voiceover towards the end of the film explaining what the character is thinking, which would explain why he got angry.

In terms of any changes to have been made in our film, for the end scene, instead of changing each time to convey when the character was speaking alone or when he was speaking as if there were people in the room, I would have left it to be just his friends at first, then at the very end where he walks away, I would have got a shot where it revealed that he was alone the whole time to make the viewers shocked.

As an individual, I feel like there were some things that I could have improved on. For the film, I was the main actor and there were some things I felt that I could do better if I had the chance to, such as move faster when doing certain actions. Also, I could kick the chair harder to create more of an impact for the audience, shocking than of the level of anger I am showing through my character. I could have tried to memorize some lines that I said a bit more. As I had remembered the majority of the lines, I feel like there were some bits that I missed out on, so I had to improvise. I would try to memories all my lines properly so that I could have more time to practice how to act out my character.

As a group, I felt like there were some developments that we could have made to make this product better. I felt like we could have secured the location a bit sooner. This would be so that we could work out how we would set it up in advance, even having the chance of using them as soon as we secured them. Another thing I felt that we could do is have some ideas of the type of music that we could use. This would have been helpful as we would have an idea in advance of how our film would flow. Also, it would save us a lot of time in post production rather than having to spend a lot of time having to find a suitable soundtrack. Another development that could be made is having various amount of footage, which would be helpful in terms of having options of what to include in the final version. In terms of another development, having a faster workflow would have saved a lot of time in pre production, leaving more time for filming. This would have been very helpful as we could have more time to refilm some shots. 

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Production log week 10


Individual Contributions this week


Specific Individual Contribution – evidence in detail and judgements


Did the camera section


Did the lighting section

Group Successes this week

We managed to get the evaluation for our camera and lighting choices done

Group Challenges this week

Key Learning Points for this week

Group Targets for next week &

Work to be completed before Monday

We would need to get the focus task done 

Camera and lighting evaluation

Exposure control would be another way to determine how the camera should appear. In terms of achieving how this should be, when using the camera, we went to the settings, went on exposure, and put it to 0, in which it would appear bright. During editing, we put a color filter on the video changed the lighting to combat lighting, which was to present how times have changed and how we are in an era where all of a sudden, fully packed places are seen to be empty. With this editing choice, we still kept the brightness from the real footage to convey that it is daytime, which would imply where the shock from the audience would come from. 

One of the settings that were used in the short film is camera lenses, which were standard. In order to achieve this, we made sure that the exposure of the camera was clear enough to capture the image of the main item or person in the film. In terms of editing this, we changed the colour of the video by adding a colour filter to give it a distorted look. This editing choice enhanced the camera setting as the colour change would make it look as if the video was taken at a different time.

Shutter speed would be another camera setting. This determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens. The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is permitted to enter the camera. For the footage that we filmed, there were some shots where it was 1/50 - 1/100 seconds. This was mainly the shot of the teacher’s chair, where it was hand-held. As with the change that we implemented for the exposure control, we also added the same colour filter to convey a form of distortion. This would enhance the camera setting as it would present how times are changing and how it's unpredictable how things will be in the future.

Natural lighting was one of our main lighting techniques in the short film. In a way for us to achieve using this lighting, we used the lighting that was already present at the location. When it came to editing, for the montage scene, we changed the colour of the video, placing a combat colour effect over it. We kept the brightness of the video as we wanted to present what time of day it is. With this editing choice, it would give a mysterious effect, based on how there is no date label put at the beginning.

Ambient lighting was another lighting that was used in the short film. This was another lighting technique that was achieved easily as we used the light that was already there. When it came to editing the final version, we kept the lighting the same as we wanted the audience to be able to sympathize with the character. In terms of the speed, we sped up some of the shots slightly, mainly when the character was picking up the notepad. This was when filming, as I was acting out the character, I did take a bit of time doing some certain actions and as the brief required the film to be between three and five minutes, we wanted to make sure that we had enough time to include all the significant shots in it.

Key lighting is another lighting that was used in the short film. This was a lighting technique that was used in the film, mainly in the last scene. In order to achieve this lighting, we turned off the lights on the backside of the room and kept the lights on the front side of the room. When it came to editing the final version, we changed the colour of the visual to a combat colour effect, in which we could display how the character's mind has gone out of control. With this choice, I felt that this enhanced the lighting as it would convey the character's state, especially as he was alone for a long time. 

Focus group video

- The film was very well put together

- Acting was really good in the film

- Good choice of background music

- Nice visual effects used 

- The ending wasn't clear enough to the audience (we explained this to them)

- Noise of the camera shifting heard at times

- Appropriate transitions used 

Friday 13 May 2022

Short film final edit

Export the final edit

When we finished editing the final version of the short film, we exported it. To export it, we shared it as a master file. Before we uploaded it officially, we checked the setting of the video to ensure that each section was accurate. We put the format as a video and audio. We then ensured that the video code was H.264. This was so that the final version could be clear. 

We also saved it with an audio file format of QuickTime movie. This would be so that we could watch it over there to see how it looked on a full screen. When the settings was checked over, we then saved the video in our folder so that we would know where it is when we upload it on YouTube. The video opened up on QuickTime Player straight away when the uploading was finished. 

Soundtrack or incidental music

In terms of our soundtrack, we mostly used subtle/sorrowful music, which is non-diegetic. This was used mainly to introduce the film in the montage scene, the park scene where the character communicates his feelings, and the end scene where the movie came to its conclusion. The purpose of this was to set the mood for our film throughout, along with conveying the mood for each scene.

Another sound manipulation was when it came to editing the last scene. The scene was originally just dialogue, which was diegetic, however, we felt that the scene would end well with some music playing. So we added a piece of music called 'A dog in the boiler', which was non diegetic. This music was suitable in terms of conveying the character's change of emotion, especially as he kicks the chair in anger. When we first played the music with the scene, it was a bit difficult in hearing the conversation that Tyler was having with his 'friends'. So I stretched the grey button across the soundtrack, so that when the music starts playing, it would fade in, meaning that it would slowly increase the volume and that we could hear the dialogue at the beginning. 

Export format

In terms of our export format, our one was Video and Audie. This is a video format that can be used to upload videos or recordings. The video code that was used was H.264. When we were uploading our videos, this was the format that we used so that the quality was good.

Audio levels

At the beginning of the film, I added ambience music to set the tone for our short film, which was non-diegetic. With this added, I decreased the sound of the audio that was from the video and slightly increased the sound of the music so that the audience can hear it. I also, put a fade-out at the end of the music track so that instead of it cutting off completely, when the first scene airs, it can slowly decrease the volume. With this audio put in place, we wanted the audience to wonder what is happening, which would help place an enigma. 

Another part where I manipulated the sound was the park scene. As the sound of the wind was taking over most of the dialogue for this section, I decreased the volume of the original video and replaced it with a voiceover, which was non-diegetic. The use of this voiceover would be a suitable way to let the audience know what is currently happening and how the character is feeling. I decreased the volume slightly on the first half of the voiceover as it was overpowering the second half and I wanted the volume of them to be around the same level.

Sound effects

For our short film, we added some sound effects. We felt that the use of sound effects would create an impact on the audience. One of the sound effects that we added was a bean bag on a chair falling, which was a non-diegetic sound. This sound effect was placed on the timeline at the moment where the character kicks the chair, and it is falling. The sound was used when the chair with the coat hit the ground. The purpose of this sound effect was to shock the audience, especially by conveying the level of anger the character has. This would connote how far off the character's mind has gone to, with him speaking to imaginary people. 

Graphics and special effects


This is an image of the montage. The visual effect has changed with this colour distortion, which would set the type of mood when places are mostly empty.

Time code - 0:04

This is a graphic which shows what day and week the film is in. This would separate the scenes and let the audience know that the film has started.

Time code - 0:23

This is a colour distortion effect that was used. The purpose of this was to convey what the character sees, displaying that he thinks that there are people there. This would convey to the audience that the character's mind has gone out of control.

Time code - 4:12
This is the rolling credits at the end, displaying the names of everyone who was part of the short film production.

Time code - 4:58
This is a blur effect that was used for the last shot before the last graphic appeared on screen. 

Time code - 4:52

This is a static transition that we used to transition for each scene. 

Time code - 0:25

This is the rolling credits at the end, displaying the names of everyone who was part of the short film production.

Time code - 4:58

Sound manipulation

At the beginning of the film, I added ambience music to set the tone for our short film. With this added, I decreased the sound of the audio that was from the video and slightly increased the sound of the music so that the audience can hear it. I also, put a fade out at the end of the music track so that instead of it cutting off completely, when the first scene airs, it can slowly decrease the volume. With this audio put in place, we wanted the audience to wonder what is happening, which would help place an enigma. 

Another part where I manipulated the sound was the park scene. As the sound of the wind was taking over most of the dialogue for this section, I decreased the volume of the original video and replaced it with a voiceover. The use of this voiceover would be a suitable way to let the audience know what is currently happening and how the character is feeling. I decreased the volume slightly on the first half of the voiceover as it was overpowering the second half and I wanted the volume of them to be around the same level.

Another sound manipulation was when it came to editing the last scene. The scene was originally just dialogue, however, we felt that the scene would end well with some music playing. So we added a piece of music called 'A dog in the boiler'. This music was suitable in terms of conveying the character's change of emotion, especially as he kicks the chair in anger. When we first played the music with the scene, it was a bit difficult in hearing the conversation that Tyler was having with his 'friends'. So I stretched the grey button across the soundtrack, so that when the music starts playing, it would fade in, meaning that it would slowly increase the volume and that we could hear the dialogue at the beginning. 

Edit decision log

Clip Sequence  Number

Basic Transition

Visual Effects

Audio Editing

Sound Effects



cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video


 Name of film overlaying montage


cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




Fade to shot no.9

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video





Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




cut to

Combat colour effect

Adding Ambience music and decrease volume of video




Static transition to next shot




Typewriting graphics - "Isolation - week 1 - day 1 - experiment status: initiated"


cut to next shot






cut  to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot


Increase volume slightly




cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot


increase volume slightly




cut to next shot


decrease volume slightly




cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot






cut to next shot


Increase volume




Static transition to next shot










Typewriting graphics - "Isolation - 2 month - week 3 - day 4"



colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction






colour correction






colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume





colour correction

decrease volume








Typerwriting graphics - month 7 - week 2 - day 1



colour correction

Adding Ambience music





camera filter

Adding Ambience music





camera filter

Adding Ambience music





colour correction

Adding Ambience music





camera filter

Adding Ambience music





colour correction

Adding Ambience music





camera filter

Adding Ambience music





colour correction






camera filter






colour correction






colour correction









Typewriting graphics - Experiment A status - closed subject A status decreased, subject B status - Rogue Subject C Status - Breached enclosure A








Evaluating feedback

When we finished editing our short film, we did a focus group, in which we had some people come and watch our film and asked them to give so...