Wednesday 9 March 2022





Blink In:


INT. School Hallway – Late Afternoon.


Tyler is a Young student attending Chadwell Heath Academy, wearing the Appropriate attire of a Sixth form student at the school, He’s a British –African Male.


POV – Tyler wakes up, slowly, looking around him down both sides of the hallway, sitting up and seeing nothing. Text Appears in the Centre of the screen clearly reading:


“Isolation – Week 1 – Day 1 – experiment status: Started.”


Cut To:


INT. School Hallway – Wide Angle, Mid Shot.


Camera watches from one side of the hallway, Tyler slowly stands up, peering around one last time before muttering to himself.



What the hell?... Why am I…at school?, where is…everyone else? 

(Appearing somewhat out of breath and disoriented)


Camera changes to the other side of the hallway, Tyler stood up fully now, he reaches his hand to his forehead and sighs, squinting at first, his eyes slowly open fully before he calls out:



Hello?!... is anyone there?


(He’s met with silence and sighs again before quietly saying) 


Guess not…


He starts to walk around, the camera following behind him; he wanders around the corridors and hallways, constantly peering around as he looks for other people, soon coming across his classroom, he enters the classroom and checks around. Camera here changes to be within the classroom as he opens the door and enters, before changing again to being his POV as he looks around. Camera will then film him leaving, from the hallway outside the classroom, from here he will sigh heavily and his stomach will grumble loudly before he mutters:




I should get something to eat…but the canteen is probably closed, I guess I could head home since I still have my keys…


Fade to black:

Fade in:


EXT. Park Outside School – Play Area – Early Morning.


As the screen remains black for a brief few moments, clear text appears reading “Isolation –Month 2 – Week 3 – Day 4 – Experiment Status –Underway”. Before the fading finally kicks in and the scene is visible. In the park he’s sat in baggy clothes and a lot of layers, eating a bag of crisps casually, a note pad beside him, he pauses midway through eating and seems to note something down, the camera being in front of him at a wide angle, though it zooms in as he picks up the notepad and writes in it. Following this he sighs and lays back, the camera now beside him, looking at him laying down from the side closely, he sighs heavily before saying his thoughts aloud:



How long has it even been again? … Like a month and a half or something… still no one, I was taught that the world was supposed to be choc full of people yet I’ve spent weeks looking and haven’t found a singular living soul other than animals… Everywhere is abandoned… a mess at that too, at least scavenging for food is easy with the shops wide open…

(He sounds quite disheartened, though still somehow calm, perhaps as though he’s given up)


He sits up again and stretches, standing up and Hopping off the play area, he looks somewhat relaxed, as if he’s accepted his fate of being alone like this, he gives a sultry chuckle to himself before continuing what he was saying.



Speaking of which… I should get something for breakfast that’s better than eating crisps all the time… After all, I don’t know how long the power will last to preserve the food at the shops…


He begins to walk out the park, down the streets, the camera remaining at where he started, observing him and tracking his movements.


Fade out:

Fade in:


INT. School Drama studio – Late evening


The screen remains black for an extended period of the time, enough time for the following text to come up: “Isolation – Month 7 – Week 2 – Day 1 – Experiment Status – Halted.” After this has come on screen for a couple seconds, a glitch effect being used to show as if there’s an issue with the experiment documentation etc, which should also heighten the Mystery invoked by the consistent updates on the experiment at the start of each scene, the sudden change in status from Underway to Halted helps to further this effect. The character is seen, the lighting a lot more dim than prior, sat there alone with a couple mannequins with jackets on, talking to them as if he’s gone insane, talking to them as if they were his friends. The camera is viewing him from a wide angle, as if in the perspective of one of the mannequins.




You guys hungry? Nah I’m not either, don’t worry, oh yeah did you do the homework for the next period?.
(Seems happy to be able to talk to his friends again, so he’s smiling a lot.)


The screen flashes for a moment, the lighting suddenly back to normal, his friends there in place of the mannequins, wearing the jackets the mannequins were wearing, the scene itself looks surreal as if a dream or Tyler’s imagination. Before suddenly blinking back out again into the reality of them being mannequins, Tyler continues his ‘conversation’.




Thanks, I should probably head home in a bit, mom’s cooking fried chicken tonight, can’t miss it, her chicken is the best.


He gets up, knocking one of the mannequins down, and his smile fades, becoming a frown, he’s realised. He falls to his knees crying, holding his head. This continues for a bit before a roar is heard in the distance… Ending this scene with a cliff-hanger. Here the Camera will be viewing the scene from a wide angle, and will close in as he starts crying and kneeling.


Fade Out to black screen.


Text appears on the screen for the last time, reading “Isolation 
– Experiment A status – Closed.

- Subject A status – Deceased.”

This will be the end to the Piece. 



TV turn off effect.


---------------------------------------------  End Scenes ------------------------------------------



Cast will require at least 4 people for the final Scene / section of the short film however only the crew and one actor is required for the other scenes, this may become subject to change and as a contingency plan other actors may be brought in for these scenes, however consistency with the scenes’ actors is required.

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