Tuesday 1 March 2022

Proposal for short film

outline of purpose and concept/plot

The film is called Isolation. The film starts with graphics on screen, the camera in a sort of observant view, as if from a camera's perspective with an overlay comparable to that on top. Showing the differences between each week passing in lockdown, by showing a sort of speed up/montage view of the character's actions during the experiment. As an alternative, the character wakes up in the middle of his school, completely alone and isolated, he wanders about the place in search of others, this soon turns too right where the character has spent all day searching to no avail, this becomes a more survival ordeal where the character now has to look for food and shelter to survive this event. In the beginning, the character wakes up to realise that he is alone so he starts to search for other people. In the middle of the plot, there are signs that are seen of other people alive and the character rushes over to track them down, he meets the survivor and figures out its his friends, he hangs out with them for a while and slowly, one by one they start to disappear. At the end, everyone has disappeared again except him, and its seen now that it was all just a figment of his imagination and that he was the only one there all alone.  The twist of the film is that his friends weren't real and that he was alone the whole time. The main character in the film is a major, average Joe kind of protagonist. Int terms of conventions, the storyline is basic and can be relatable to the audience. There would be little to no background information about the main character revealed. There would be a voiceover included in the short film which would be a way for the audience to understand the thought process of the main character.

Target audience and scheduling/distribution

The age range for this short film will stem from the age of 15-25. The short film will target both genders as both genders may have felt the same type of way that the main character felt when they were in some form of isolation, where they were separated from the outside world. This would be in the interest of those who like a thriller and maybe in the interest of those who may have had to self-isolate due to covid. The location will be in a school-based on how people can familiarise themselves with being alone in a certain place. Also, it allows the audience to relate. The film would appeal to a mixed combination of ethnicity, considering how the issues delayed is something that has affected a lot of different people. In terms of distribution, the film would be uploaded online through some major platforms, such as youtube, which would help reach the audience. 

Genre and theme

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The genre of the film is psychological thriller. In terms of props, this would be something that people have everyday, such as food and drinks. There would be some other items, including bags and coats and notepad as we would want the audience to relate to the character.

The costume would subvert from the genre, with people wearing school uniform as it takes place in a school. In terms of the situation, it would be based on a real life issue that has affected a lot of people, which would differ to other films with this genre which would have a plot that includes situation, which are far from reality. 

The situations would use a convention of a psychological thriller. This would be through how it would follow how someone may feel after finding out that they are the only one there, including how their thought process would be after a few weeks of being isolated from everyone. 

The convention of having recurring characters will be used in order to present the main character's mindset in which he would see people who are not actually there. 

There will be sound effects, such as clear audible used to convey where the character is and what scene is being depicted. There would be a voiceover put in place, which will be used to let the audience know what is currently happening in the narrative, along with explaining what the character is thinking and how he is feeling.

As for the cinematography, there will be some clear shots that would be conveyed in a normal psychological thriller film, in which the day would be passing and there also would be clear emotions of the main character presented to convey his state of mind. 

The lighting in a film with this genre tends to be quite dim and changes within the atmosphere. For this film, we will be following this convention. 

The film will take on a psychological theme. This will be covered through the visual representations of the emotions and the behaviour of the main character and the slow detoriation of him.

Setting and locations

In terms of the setting, the area would be in an area in London in the time of the 20th century. The reason for his setting is based on the fact that we want to display how this was an issue for people who lived in these areas. 

As for the location, it will be set in Chadwell Heath Academy, a school that is located in London. In the school, we will be filming in the Hallway. This is so that we can display the isolation of the main character. This location will be filmed inside the real school. We will be using Room 24 and Room 30 as the main locations in the school setting. The use of the school would be to shock the audience as to how there is barely anyone there, conveying how different it is with people is a normally packed place, compared to how it is when it is empty.

We will also film in the Crucible park, which is located next to the school, mainly the play area. The idea of this location being used is so that we can display the transition between each scenes and the monad process of the character. As it is an outdoor location, this will be filmed outside. 

2 bedroom flat for sale in Quarles Park Road, Chadwell Heath, London, RM6

Personnel and job roles - actors, productions team


Director - Richard

Camera operator - Richard

Actor - Elijah, Ibrahim, Sarabraj


Editor - Richard and Elijah

In the short film, the key character will be the main character as the plot centers around him. The actor who will play him is Elijah. This is based on how he has done some acting performances in the past which relates to conveying the emotion of someone isolated. 

Legal and ethical issues - BBFC certification, use of intellectual property 

The BBFC certificate the film would most likely get is a 12A. This would mean that no kids under the age of 12 are allowed to see this film unless they are accompanied by an adult, who would consider if the film is suitable for that child. The film will not include any type of content that may glamourize the use of any material that can be harmful to someone. 

Discrimination - as this is a film which has a storyline that the audience can relate to, we will make sure that no one is discriminated in the film. 

Violence - in our film, we may have some scenes where a character has some form of outburst as a way to present that they feel like they are losing their mind. The character would probably kick an object in anger. 

Threat and Horror - there will be scenes where a character's anger would build up

Language - throughout the film, there won't be any use of strong language. The dialogue would just be what the character is thinking. 

Dangerous behaviour - Although this is a psychological thriller and it may have scenes where someone would show an emotion of anger, we will ensure that any bad actions are not to be followed in real life 

Copyright may be an issue in the short film. This may be from the use of music which may not originally be ours. As a way to resolve this, we would need to ensure that most of the content is from our own material so that we won't need to rely on other people's things to use. 

One ethical issue that could effect our short film is harassment. This would be from the public locations that we film in, such as the park, where someone may try and disturb us while we are filming. To ensure that this doesn't happen, we will be filming in the morning where there won't be a lot of people around. 

Proposal - Equipment

As we will be filming the short film, we would need to get some equipment to achieve this. 

We would need to get a camera, which would be used to record all of our footage for our film. We will need a Canon camera as this hardware is able to take clear shots. Also, it includes features which could be used to make each shot filmed more clear, such as exposure compensation, which would be used to change the brightness of the shot, which would comes a benefit as we can film some dim shots for our film. This would come with an SD Card, which would be inserted inside the camera to keep all the footage. This would also be used to put all the footage onto the software when it comes to editing. 

A tripod would be needed. This would be so that we can film some still shots if we need to. Also, we would be able to film smooth movements with the camera. 

ATR2100x-USB Cardioid Dynamic Creator Microphone

We would also need a microphone. As majority of our film is diegetic sound, we may need to record some voiceover for the film. This would be used in the purpose to describe what is happening in the story.

Proposal - Budget

Budget planner: Take control of your finances | Raisin UK

As we are doing a short film, our budget is highly considered. We would need to make sure that we have enough money to buy all the material needed, otherwise, we won't be able to present a great short film. 

In terms of the equipment that we are going to use, these would cost quite a lot .We would use a Canon Camera, which would cost £500. A Tripod is required, which would cost £15. We would need an SD Card, which would cost around £8. We will be needing an Apple Mac for when we do our editing, which would cost £150. We will be using the Mac from late 2012. We will be using Final Cut Pro as our editing software to edit our film as it includes editing features that would be beneficial in making our film look great. This has a cost of £250. We would need a keyboard, which would cost £29 and a mouse, which would cost £26. 

How to Open Notepad in Windows 11

We would get our own props for the film. For example, for one of the scenes, we would need a notepad where we would write things down. This won't be a major issue in terms of budget as we originally have this item at home and we can bring it for filming, however, we would probably want a specific one for our film, so we would need to buy one from the shops, which would cost around £1. There are other props, such as a school bag, which would cost around £11 and a coat which would cost £10. A packet of crisps is required in our film, so we would need to buy some in the shops, costing us around £1 as we would aim to get the big packet. 

In terms of the locations that we will be using, some scenes will be outside in the park, which could cost us as we are using a public location. This would be around £425. As for our school location, we would get permission to film here for free, however, if this is not possible and we would need to pay to use the locations, this would cost around £150 per hour. We would have an estimate to film the school scenes in two days, giving a total of £300. 

In terms of travel, this won't be an issue. The locations that we will film in are not far apart and is only a couple of minutes walk so if we were to change to different locations on the same day, we could just simply walk there. However, in the case that we are behind schedule or that we would want to get filming done quicker, we would take the bus. This won't be an issue in terms of budget as we have zip cards for 16+, meaning that we can use our cards on the bus for free. But as an adult, a normal Oyster card would be required, and it would cost £1.50 for each time we use the bus. Considering our journey to the location and back and on the days that we will be filming in, we would probably need an estimate of £21 to cover the overall cost. 

During filming, there would be times in which the cast and crew members would need a lunch break or a time to have food, so we would order some food for each day that we do filming, which would cost around £70. There would be some healthy snacks, which would cost around £15 and there would also be some times where we would have catering for some hot meals, which would cost around £200. Also, as there won't be a lot of people, this would be a suitable price.

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