Monday 11 April 2022

Risk assessment

Risk Assessment Form      



Location: Crucible Park




Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)



Someone could trip over and injure themselves


The weather could unexpectedly change, affecting filming and making the camera equipment wet


We may disturb someone from the public who may be bothered about us filming























































Ensure that the actor and director can walk on set comfortably without slipping


Ensure that the weather forecast is checked prior to filming



We would need to film at a time when no one is usually around, which would be early in the morning




Risk Assessment Form     


Activity/Task:  Filming

Location: School classroom



Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)



Someone may trip over and hurt themselves, which could potentially delay the production



We may disturb someone from the school who may have an issue with us filming























































Ensure that the actor and director are comfortable in terms of walking in the classroom




We would need to film at an area where there aren’t a lot of people




Risk Assessment Form     


Activity/Task:  Filming

Location: School corridor



Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)



There is a chance that the actor could slip and fall, injuring themselves as they will be doing some light jogging



Someone who doesn’t want to be in the shot my get caught in it






















































Ensure that the actor is able to walk comfortably in the corridors




We would need to film at an area where no one is around and it would need to be filmed at a suitable time



Risk Assessment Form     


Activity/Task:  Filming

Location: Drama studio



Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)



Considering how the floor is different to a carpet floor, someone could slip and fall



The camera could fall and break if not stable enough






















































Ensure that the floor is good enough for the actor to move around



The camera equipment must be set properly and checked before filming



Risk Assessment Form     


Activity/Task: Editing

Location: Studio



Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)



Liquid could spill on the electrical equipment, damaging it



There may be a lot of wires visible in the open space, leading to someone potentially tripping over them


Malfunctions with the wires and sockets could lead to the device not working


There may he too much heat in the room, causing a fire




























































Ensure that there are no liquids in the work area




Ensure that all the wires are kept on the side of the room



To avoid this, we will do some pre tests to make sure that they work


Temperature of the room should be kept cool at all times

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